We're Growing. This week we have two programs.
Friday, August 13, 4:00 PM Central Time
Marcy Jones, author of "Graceful Divorce Solutions: A Comprehensive and Proactive Guide to Saving You Time, Money, and Your Sanity" joins us to talk about alternatives to the common divorce process. As a lawyer, Marcy Jones realized the need for people to understand their options when divorcing, and for lawyers to understand the emotional components of a divorce. She decided to practice family law so she could look for ways to fix a broken legal system not created for or conducive to dealing with family issues. Jones thoroughly explains why the legal system should not be involved in most divorce cases, including that law was designed for criminal issues and to settle disputes between people who had done business together but who would not have long-term relationships afterward. By contrast, when two spouses divorce who have children, they remain a family and need to communicate with each other on a regular basis. The legal system's way of turning a husband and wife against each other is not conducive to ongoing communication between the couple after the divorce, and especially not beneficial to the children's welfare. Jones realizes not all marriages can end peacefully with a collaborative divorce, although many can with cooperation from both spouses. Jones discusses, therefore, the different available divorce processes: "litigation, lawyer/lawyer negotiation, mediation, Do It Yourself, and collaborative divorce" so her readers can make an informed decision about which option is right for them. She also goes into detail about the different aspects of divorce, clarifying that a couple really must go through four divorces: legal, financial, social, and emotional. The difference with collaborative divorce, or any of the processes other than litigation, is that the matter can be settled peacefully outside of court and the couple can follow its own agenda rather than that of family members, lawyers, or a court docket.
Welcome to the SUMMIT Lounge.
a place of rest and reflection on your quest to the top.
![]() Join us each week, as we talk with guest from around the world.
The focus on this program is to introduce you to those that have met challenges with determination and conviction. People that meet obstacles with dedication and patience. This program was inspired by Michael Combs, who is on a mission to deliver a message of hope and inspiration to TWENTY MILLION Souls. Michael's vehicle for this mission is an 800 lb. Light Sport Aircraft. When told his heart was failing, Michael chose to live from that moment on with NO REGRETS, whether his time was days, weeks or years, he would live with passion. Remarkably, his health improved with his spirit. He was again told that his life long dream to fly could not happen due to his heart condition and FAA restrictions on licensing. MIchael found a way! He discovered the Light Sport Aircraft license was obtainable. His quest was on. Michael as of July 4, 2010 has visited 40 states on his journey, with 10 to go. Michael's dream has been fulfilled. His mission now is not to set records, which he has. The historic flight is just a by-product of his quest. The true mission is to reach the world with a message: It's Never EVER Too Late !! No matter what your situation is, with faith and perseverance, you can reach the summit, YOUR Summit! Visit with us as we introduce you to others that have made it to the top of ther mountain. |